It is sometimes beneficial to convert a value from one type of data to another. Each of the conversion functions converts its parameter to an equivalent representation within its datatype. The conversion functions include int(), float(), char(), bytes(), and others. TODO: Explain what strings, floats, ints, and bytes are.
size(640, 360)
#textFont(createFont("Georgia", 24))
s = 'A'
sCode = ord(s)
f = float(sCode) # Sets f = 65.0
i = int(f * 1.4) # Sets i to 91
#String formatting in Python
#Use the .format() method to insert the value of variables into the string.
text("The value of variable s is {}".format(s), 50, 100) # %s for strings
text("The value of variable f is {}".format(f), 50, 150) # %f for floats
text("The value of variable i is {}".format(i), 50, 200) # %i for integers
text("The value of s is {}, f is {}, i is {}".format(s, f, i), 50, 250)